Historic Photographs
home  I  movie stars  I  music legends  I  movie stills 
  historic events  I  historic personages  I  landscapes   stereoviews 




Movie Stars


Twenty four 8 x 10 glossies of the legends of the silver screen


Music Legends



Thirty one photographs  of the music greats of the past 40 years.


Movie Stills



Series of 16 movie stills from 40s-60s.


Historic Events


Three groups of images: Nuernberg Trials, Early U.S. Space Program and World War II.


Historic Personages


Original photographs of famous people
From the 40s - 60s.



Six collections of stereoviews; mid -19th century on.  Rare subjects and / or important photographers or publishers.

Historic Landscapes


Group of landscape photographs from around the world.  Late 19th - early 20th century.  Rare images.



Group of French postcards, cartes de visite and tobacco cards; of risque subjects.  Late 19th - early 20th century.





Rare photographs in several formats describing the demise and return of the buffalo to the American West.  Late 19th - early 20th century.



Rare images in several formats describing the role of the reindeer in far northern Eurasia (and the caribou in Alaska) .Late 19th - early 20th century.


Presented here is a selection of historic photographs in a number of categories. Most are black and white glossies destined for use as news or publicity photos. These, of course, were of little value in the 40s to 60s, but now after more than a half century, many are quite rare, particularly those of persons or events that survived the sorting of time and history.  Several collections also include published images, including woodcuts, engravings and lithographic cards.  

 If you have comments or questions please contact the Gallery.

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   Imagi Gallery