J o h n  G r o s s  






John Gross

John Gross' sculpture "Venus" is based on the famous Upper Paleolithic sculpture found in 1922 in the Rideaux cave of Lespugue (Haute-Garonne) in the foothills of the Pyrenees in France.  The original "Venus of Lespugue" is carved of mammoth ivory, is 47mm or 6 inches tall, and is dated to c. 25,000 years B.C.  It (shown below) resides in the Museé des Antiquités Nationales, in Paris.

Gross, a US artist, created the sculpture presented here (and a number somewhat similar to this one) in 1992 as a welded steel construction.  The piece is 20.3 inches in height, and is number IX / (infinity).  Each of the seven facet panels of the base contains words and symbols. The panel facing front in the above image contains "©,"' then "John," then "Gross," then  "BO" (for Boulder),
 then "CO" (for Colorado), then "USA", then  "
IX / ", then "1992".


Imagi Gallery




RPF 1194